To be an artist is frequently to be seen as someone who:
- Went to art university, college or school.
- Has a fine arts degree or art diploma.
- Has been professionally trained.
- Knows a lot about art history like Byzantine, Greek and Baroque art.
- Knows about art movements such as impressionism and fauvism.
- Can tell a Caravaggio from a Cézanne.
- Other.
This is the standard meaning of when we say “Artist,” but can someone who does not have all, or any of the above, be considered an artist? The answer is yes.
To be an artist is to create either with drawings, paintings, music, weaving, dance, sculpture or in other ways. The activity of creating something that was not there before is artistic. You do not have to be trained to be an artist.
Hobby Artist
A hobby artist is someone who makes art for the joy of it.
Aspiring Artist
An aspiring artist is someone who works on their techniques, practices art most days and who enjoys making art.
I believe that most people can be an artist. I see myself as an aspiring artist. I create every day. I sometimes post my work online and on my social channels not only for you to see, but so that next year I can go back to this year and see my progress.
You can be a great artist overnight, but you can be a great artist with practice. Believing that you are on the road to becoming and artist, or an aspiring artist, is the first step. Self-belief is critical to your ability to have faith in yourself.
What Aspiring Artists Do
Aspiring artists are those people who enjoy art and may have done art as a hobby and they like how it makes them feel.
Aspiring artists…
- Aspiring artists are more likely to doodle on occasion and sketch out mini drawings almost days.
- Aspiring artists draw their feelings rather than talk about them.
- Aspiring artists express inner emotion through art.
- Aspiring artists love art and want to make their own art.
- Aspiring artists may have a plan to run an art business one day.
- Aspiring artists want to be an artist deep down in their soul.
Perhaps you can think of a few more statemenst about aspiring artists.
Finding Time to do Art
Aspiring Artists may squeeze art practice into lost corners of time in their day.
For instance:
- Early morning before the family is awake.
- Sitting on a bench on the park at lunchtime.
- Waiting for someone in a waiting room.
- In the evening after dinner.
- Weekends.
Aspiring Artists Secretly Want to Create
Aspiring Artists may take their sketch book with them everywhere they go.
- Aspiring artists frequent art galleries
- Aspiring artists visit art exhibitions.
- Aspiring artists join art workshops.
- Aspiring artists go on art retreats.
- Aspiring artists read about art, artists and art movements.
Artists are Everywhere
I believe that are hundreds of aspiring artists working away in attics and coffee shops and at their kitchen tables around the world. Maybe you are one.

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Author Bio
Alison Hazel is a woman who shares her ongoing journey about becoming an artist later in life. She creates simple art that anyone can make. She hopes to inspire you to reach your creative potential in the area that suits you.
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